Monday, May 23, 2011


Last nite I went thru the kids blog and fb. Sedih gak baca their farewell to each other. Ada yang pergi UitM ada yang ke Matrik...ada yang menunggu ke France, Korea and Polytechnic. To all of you aunty ucapkan Good Luck yer..will be missing all of u nanti whether kat fb or kat rumah...Will be missing nasi goreng, muffin etc by the boys. Most of them selalu lepak kat rumah main PS..since they all primary school till now ..its time they have to go for their future..Thank you for being there for Champ...thank you for being patience with Champ yang macam super sleuth tu...will be missing u all la .Macam terdengar u all selalu datang and bagi salam......Assalamualaikum...Champ ada? Ha ha and as usual Champ belum siap and u all dengan sabar tunggu dia...Good luck guys and girls...semoga Allah merahmati perjalanan kehidupan meningkat remaja...Perjalanan masih jauh ye anak anak...sentiasa ingat di mana kita berpijak....Jangan malu tegur aunty ye kalau kita bertembung kat mana mana...take care!
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