Thursday, June 30, 2011

Do it yourself homemade chocolate

Wah....what a title...Being dying to try making my very own chocolate...As usual googling! It is sooooo ez!!
What you need :
1) Any compound Chocolate...I used Beryl's....psssttt bought it in Shah Alam for RM15.80....Last weekend managed to go to BWY its only RM13.50....huh!
2)Microwave....err can use double boiler method toooo! Durable bowl to place the choc!
Microvave it for 1 minute! Make sure choc is at room temp.
3)Pour the choc into choc mould...errr u can add whatever nuts or raisin or whatever u luv!
4)Refrigerate for 10 min....woila done!

Dear hubby was asking me..."Napa u tak potong jer choc tu into pieces lagi senang ma..". Huhu soklan cepumas tul la.....and part paling challenging was lfolding the boxes...!
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