Friday, August 28, 2009

Kenangan Ramadhan Budapest

At last today got the opportunity to sit and enjoy myself for a while. Running here and there penatnya, now I realised I 'm no longer in the 30's...:) Today dah seminggu Ramadhan...well last nite we were talking, teringat pada saat Ramadhan di Budapest, Hungary. Yap it was Chrismast Eve and we decided to board a train and jalan-jalan to Budapest.
Bila sampai ke apartment papa tanya "Ma ada bawak food tak for iftar"...OMG "mama lupa nak masukan tadi..." "Jom kena keluar ni cari food". We walked around down the street near downtown, quite terkejut kenapa semua kedai dah tutup ni. Usually tutup pukul 5 and today is not Sunday...Ya Allah rupa-rupanya Chrismast Eve kedai semua tutup awal..Mama what to eat ni, kalau we all je tak apa about the boys? Apa nak buat ni in a strange land without anything to eat? As usual I cepat panic and looking at him...serenity on the face lah..Always calm and steady(Terima Kasih Allah kerana memberi dia..:))
Suddenly we saw a kebab stall......tadaaaa... Then he gave salam to us first..guessed looking at me dia tau yang we all ni Muslim...He told us his kebab is non halal but willing to prepare for us the vegies and bread...Alhamdulillah sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa bersama kami dalam saat-saat begini. Then he asked my husband to join him for iftar at the mosque. What? They have mosque here in Budapest? We were amazed....(And me waiting kat apartment tak berenti berdoa semoga husband selamat pulang....deep inside me ada perasaan was-was jugak tu betul ke ada masjid and boleh caya ke orang yang jual kebab tu?..was-was tu kawan syaitan kan..Ya Allah!)
Alhamdulillah apa yang ada kami gunakan untuk bersahur. Anak-anak tak pernah merajuk on whatever that we gave them to eat. Sampai sekarang my sons tak memilih walau apa pun food yang I masak .. we never pampered them regardless Ramadhan or not. Thats the reason they can eat hostel's food, we taught them not to be choosy..Hari ni papa & mama ada cuba bayangkan kalau we all tak ada?....Hidup lah dengan sekadar apa yang kita ada!

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