Friday, October 23, 2015

The Journey of Hearts - Hajj 1436/2015 - The Offer Letter

"Aku penuhi panggilan-Mu ya Allah. Aku penuhi panggilan-Mu ya Allah dan tiada sekutu apapun bagi-Mu. Sesungguhnya puji, nikmat, dan kekuasaan hanya bagi-Mu tanpa sekutu apapun bagi-Mu"

Alhamdulillah…its started with this letter… Lepas baca surat … serta merta I called hubby…he was so excited…Allah makbulkan doa kami…(I still rasa Allah makbulkan doa en husband coz knowing his effort bangun malam..all the calls to Tabung Haji…turun naik tingkat 30 kat tabung haji..) I still rasa I tumpang his doa  Surat sampai seminggu sebelum raya…so this time our raya was not really raya..have to prepare all things..medical check up yg paling penting and handing over passport to TH. 

Hubby got to get clearance from IJN and myself ..Alhamdulillah doctor cakap sihat heheh…Managed to catch the cardiologist in-charged and managed to do all the required test..Alhamdulillah all OK... We surrendered our passports after raya..We all managed pergi raya Singapore dulu visit cousins and aunties etc.. Even though surat dah dapat but still we donno the dates and details…But the feeling memang tak boleh cerita..hilang semua rasa risau nak tinggal anak..nak tinggal rumah..hilang sekejap rasa takut nak menghadapi keadaan di Mekah..Kenapa rasa takut? Rasa sebak sangat…sang pendosa mendapat jemputan dari Allah..dari situ saya rasa..sayu dan sedih..Allah masih sudi menjemput saya ….  Alhamdulillah.. and I really want my journey of hearts to be something completely memorable…there are so many thoughts my mind and I want to capture them all…InsyaAllah moga Allah izinkan...